Friday, May 8, 2009

Pregnancy - Week 38

What a crazy week!! On Wednesday, I went to Dr. Griffith for my regular weekly appointment. All seemed to be going well until the nurse took my blood pressure. She took it with a couple of high-tech devices and finally reverted to the old school method of pump it by hand and listen with the stethoscope and still my blood pressure was reading high. The doc came in to check to see if I was dilated, I wasn't. The high BP, the swelling of my feet and legs, coupled with a few other things, are symptoms of Toxemia and were cause for concern. I was admitted to the hospital for a 24 hour observation. From what I understand, Toxemia is toxic blood which is bad for me and of course bad for Colton since he can get it through the cord. I was a little in shock - could this mean that Colton might come sooner than later? Dr. G then informed us that if things didn't get better, he would induce Colton on Saturday. If the situation improved, he would put me on bed rest and induce next Wednesday. OMG! So, mom and I got my admission papers, etc. and headed upstairs. I stayed there Wednesday night and was being observed for 24 hours. My blood pressure was taken every couple of hours and they monitored the level of protein. In addition, Colton's heart rate was monitored for 30 minutes every couple of hours. Mom got me all settled in and ran back to work to get a few things done just in case Colton was to arrive. Shortly after she left, my dad arrived and spent the afternoon with me. We decided that Colton was one of the only ways to get him to come from Fort Worth to Dallas. :) It was nice to be able to hang with dad for the afternoon, even if it was in a hospital room. We hadn't been there long when they came to get me to have a sonogram done. We actually went to the same specialist that performed the 3D sonogram when we had the club foot scare, 3D sonograms are awesome -- they are so detailed that you can almost see their face. It was really neat that dad was able to go in with me and see all the amazing things about Colton that the 3D sonogram shows. The nurse confirmed that Colton was indeed a boy, that he did not have club foot, that his head and feet are very large and of course much more. Dr. Griffith came to check on me Wednesday night and said that my blood pressure was looking better and he would be back in the morning. Mom and Ronnie arrived shortly after and brought mine and Colton's hospital bags. Not long after, Dave and aunt Britt arrived. Mom and Britt left around 10:30 and Dave and I settled in for the night. Bright and EARLY on Thursday morning the nurses came in to do the routine check-ups and Dr. Griffith visited before his office opened. He said that my blood pressure had gotten much better and he anticipated that I would be able to go home that evening. The rest of the day was spent getting things checked off of my to-do list, watching movies, and resting. Finally around 6:00 pm, Dr. Griffith told me that I could go home. I'm scheduled for another office visit on Monday and if all is well I'll go back Tuesday evening to be admitted and we will induce on Wednesday morning, May 13th!!! Although I really wanted him to come on Saturday, I think it's better that I have a few days for last minute preparations. We will be at my parents house for about a week before we can move into our new house so this will allow me to finish packing, get mom's house ready for Colton, etc. Dave and I are scared about being parents but so excited to see our little baby boy! We love him more than we ever imagined already and if it's possible, I love Dave even more because he is the father of my son. I can't wait to see him interact with Colton and for this addition to our family!

Stay tuned for pictures and videos of our hospital visit and Colton!!!